Ambos, firies and SES voted nations most trusted

Minister for Police and Community Safety
The Honourable Jack Dempsey

Ambos, firies and SES voted nations most trusted

Australians have labelled paramedics, firefighters and rescue volunteers as the people they trust most in the annual 2012 Readers Digest Poll on Australia’s most professions.

Queensland’s Minister for Community Safety Jack Dempsey said for the ninth consecutive year, paramedics were recognised as the most trusted profession, achieving first place in the poll, with firefighters securing a close second.

“I am also thrilled to see rescue volunteers which include our State Emergency Service (SES) volunteers, place third in the 2012 poll,” Mr Dempsey said.

“It is no surprise professionals such as our paramedics, firefighters and SES volunteers have been labelled the keepers of public trust, as they continue to be the first people Queenslanders call upon for help.

“You’ve only got to look back at the work these men and women carried out during Queensland’s recent natural disasters to realise what an imperative role they play in the community.

“Th ese heroes work tirelessly and are passionate about what they do and it is an honour for them to receive the title of most trusted profession.”

Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS) Commissioner Russell Bowles said paramedics had the ability to bring calm to stressful situations and relief to those who are suffering in life and death situations.

“The QAS workforce has advanced over recent years with paramedic qualifications which can range from a Bachelor’s Degree in Paramedic Science to Post Graduate Diploma in Intensive Care Paramedic Practice,” Mr Bowles said.

“This coupled with years of hands on training puts our paramedics at the forefront of their field.

“What differentiates them from other medical professionals is their ability to act on instinct and adapt their skills and equipment to a variety of unknown environments where seconds can count.

“It is a privilege and honour for our ambulance personnel to once again be acknowledged as t he nations most trusted profession.”

State News

Free health checks for kindy kids

Every child attending an approved kindergarten program will have access to a free health and developmental check under a new Healthy Kindy Kids program, if the LNP is elected on October 26.

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