Attorney-General walks for justice

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie

Attorney-General walks for justice

Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Jarrod Bleijie has shown his support for Law Week this morning joining more than 600 members of the legal community in the Walk for Justice.

The annual five-kilometre walk through Brisbane, in support of the Queensland Public Interest Law Clearing House (QPILCH), celebrates the work of legal professionals promoting access to justice in Queensland.

Mr Bleijie said Law Week activities were an effective way to raise awareness and understanding of the justice system and how it affects people’s lives.

“The theme of 2012 Law Week is Law and Justice in your community and it is an opportunity to show Queenslanders how the justice system works and how it can apply to them,” Mr Bleijie said.

“Many people associate the law with court cases, and while this is an important part of the legal system, it has much more to offer than people may realise.”

As Law Week coincides with National Volunteer Week, Mr Bleijie took the opportunity to thank Queensland court volunteers.

“There are 860 court volunteers in Queensland who provide a range of important services and their willingness to volunteer their skills, understanding and time is commendable,” Mr Bleijie said.

Mr Bleijie said there were a range of activities organised for Law Week this year, including the Hypothetical hosted by journalist Kay McGrath and organised by Legal Aid Queensland.

Law Week activities throughout Queensland include a mock trial featuring Goldilocks as the defendant in Rockhampton, the Big Bad Wolf facing charges in St George and numerous court tours around the state.

For a full list of Law Week events visit

Queensland Law Week is coordinated by the Queensland Department of Justice and Attorney-General and proudly supported by the Queensland Law Society, Legal Aid Queensland, the Public Trustee of Queensland, Queensland Courts, Queensland Corrective Services and the Bar Association of Queensland.