Labor’s Caboolture Hospital review is a sham

The LNP is calling for the terms of reference into shocking allegations of botched surgery and abuse at Caboolture Hospital to immediately be expanded with an assurance that it will be independent.

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said the Labor Government’s review was inadequate and would not guarantee a full and thorough investigation into the claims brought by several patients, doctors and nurses.

In a letter to Health Minister Yvette D’Ath, Ms Bates called for immediate changes to the terms of reference saying it was not satisfactory in its current form.

Ms Bates identified three key aspects that required change.

1.    Timeframe: The timeframe is inadequate and is unclear. Cases that pre-date 2020 must be included.

2.    Community Consultation: Patient consultation is not included in the review. This consultation is critical and patient complaints must be reviewed, considered and pursued.

3.    Independence: It appears the review has been commissioned by Metro North Hospital and Health Service and that the findings of the review will also be reported to Metro North Health. This review must be independent and at arm’s length from Queensland Health.

Ms Bates said openness, transparency and accountability was critical.

“The people of Caboolture must be heard,” Ms Bates said.

“They must also have confidence that patient safety at the Caboolture Hospital has not been compromised.

“Queenslanders need to trust our public health system, knowing that when they attend one of our hospitals, they will receive the very best care.

“I’m urgently calling on the Health Minister to amend the terms of reference and to guarantee its independence.

“The people of Caboolture deserve better from this government.”

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