Is Mick de Brenni failing Queenslanders?

Whether it’s emails or power prices, Minister Mick de Brenni has a penchant for not telling the truth, is he failing Queenslanders?

On August 10 last year, the Minister said the devastating fire at the Callide C power station “would have no net impact on consumers’ electricity prices”.

Reports that price rises of up to 13.4% (or an increase of $42,939 a year) for a typical large business customer and 6.5% (up $94 a year) for a residential customer was inevitable.

Either the Minister misled parliament or he is not across his brief.

Either way, Queenslanders are paying the price for Mick de Brenni’s complete incompetence.

It also seems the State Government knew this damning Queensland Competition Authority report was coming, announcing a $50 rebate on electricity bills at Parliament last week before this sting in the tail came through.

The Minister’s actions are typical of a government so embroiled in its own integrity crisis that it has given up on governing.

I have been calling on the Minister to detail his plan for Queensland’s electricity market.

He consistently fails to do so.

When you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

To stay up to date follow my Facebook page: TrevorWattsMP

State News

Free health checks for kindy kids

Every child attending an approved kindergarten program will have access to a free health and developmental check under a new Healthy Kindy Kids program, if the LNP is elected on October 26.

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