Fuel costs jump more than 10 per cent over three months


Yet another independent report released today has shown that Queensland motorists are being ripped off at the bowser.

Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show fuel prices jumped 10.6 per cent in Brisbane last quarter and that this was the main driver in a 0.8 per cent increase in the Consumer Price Index.

Liberal National Party Leader Deb Frecklington said this was the latest independent report showing Queensland motorists were paying too much for fuel, but the lazy Palaszczuk Government wasn’t listening.

“We’ve had the RACQ, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and now the Australian Bureau of Statistics highlighting just how expensive fuel is in south east Queensland, but we’ve heard nothing from the Premier,” Ms Frecklington said.

“The data released today only goes up to the end of last year, and we all know that motorists have been hit even harder through January.

“Enough is enough – people are paying through the nose for fuel and it’s time for the Premier to act.

“The LNP’s ‘Fight for Fairer Fuel’ plan will help combat this problem by making retailers publish their prices in real time so motorists can shop around for the cheapest price.

“Forcing fuel companies to publish their daily prices has already saved motorists hundreds of dollars a year in New South Wales.

“I call on the Premier to take real action to cut petrol prices by implementing the LNP’s ‘Fight for Fairer Fuel’ plan to ease pressure on household budgets.”

Ms Frecklington said today’s ABS release showed the Palaszczuk Government continued to increase fees, taxes and charges at almost double the rate of inflation.

“Lazy Labor has only one solution for its economic mismanagement and that is new taxes.”