The Honourable Joe Hockey
Shadow Treasurer
Full time workers left behind
The Coalition welcomes the fall of 0.3% in the unemployment rate reported in the April ABS Labour Force figures.
But the volatility of the monthly data masks a disturbing trend. The growth in jobs is all in part time work, with part time employment rising by 26,000 and full time jobs falling by 10,500. The ambition of full time work is becoming less of an opportunity for Australians.
The significant fall in unemployment in Victoria from 5.8% to 5.3% is important for the State and endorses the policies of the Baillieu Government. But it should be noted that the participation rate today is lower than it was a year ago suggesting more people have given up the challenge of looking for work while the labour force underutilisation rate – the measure of those looking for work or seeking the chance to work more hours – is higher than when the Coalition left office.