Attorney-General and Minister for Justice
The Honourable Jarrod Bleijie
Government campaign launched to help problem gamblers
Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Jarrod Bleijie has launched a new in-venue problem gambling awareness campaign asking people to consider whether they are ‘Gambling too much?’
Mr Bleijie said the Newman Government was committed to helping Queenslanders battling a gambling addiction.
“While problem gamblers make up a very small percentage of Queensland punters, one person suffering is one too many,” Mr Bleijie said.
“This new campaign will encourage people experiencing problems to get help and also aims to de-stigmatise the issue.
“They say Australians will bet on anything, including two flies crawling up a wall, but we want people to understand the difference between a bit of fun and a dangerous habit.
“Signs, take-away cards and downloadable screen images that feature two racing flies, direct people to the gambling helpline and are now available to venues across the State.
“Recent research shows people resist getting help because they don’t want to admit they have a problem and they are concerned about being treated like an addict.
“The research also shows that asking for help can lead to feelings of shame and embarrassment which highlights that industry, government and support organisations need to work together to de-stigmatise the problem.
“This campaign attacks the stereotypes associated with problem gambling because we need to reduce the stigma so people feel empowered to help themselves or get professional help.
“I am asking venues across Queensland to support the campaign by using the materials provided and ensuring they are well displayed.”
Mr Bleijie said the Government had recently supported Clubs Queensland’s pro-active advertising campaign, “Part of the Solution” which also aimed to help problem gamblers.
“Industry has put their hand up to be part of the solution and a collaborative approach is the best way to address problem gambling in Queensland,” he said.
Additional signs and take-away cards are available from Convenience Advertising.
Screen images for use on internal LED TV screens are available for download from the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation website (