Government ordered to front Queensland Health Crisis questions

The LNP is demanding the Health Minister agree to an extra day of estimates hearings given the frightful state of the health system.

The Premier had her Economics and Governance Committee hearing moved forward to Friday 16th of July, to give her more time to leave for Tokyo.

It means Tuesday 27th of July is now available and could be used to allow for a proper introspection of the Queensland Health Crisis.

“We’re asking the Health Minister to give more time to the health of Queenslanders,” Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates says.

“The state government needs to give more time and energy to fixing the health crisis that they created,” Ms Bates says.

“This is their opportunity to show Queenslanders they actually care.

“The health system is not getting better.

“In fact, statistics clearly show it’s getting worse. The state government must act now.”

As it stands, the Opposition has been allocated just 25 minutes to question the management of the Queensland Ambulance Service, and how ramping is out of control.

The Opposition is also only allowed 40 minutes for scrutiny of Queensland Health and the Hospital and Health Services.

“The state government can make the call for an extra day to be added, which can be ratified by the Parliamentary Health Committee,” Manager of Opposition Business Jarrod Bleijie says.

“Given the day is already on the parliamentary calendar, there is no genuine excuse not to grant the extra day.

“If the government cares about sick and dying Queenslanders then the Health Minister will agree to a proper hearing and won’t hide behind the farcical circus estimates has become under this government.”

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