Government refuses to listen to small businesses’ call for certainty

The LNP is calling on Queensland Treasurer Cameron Dick to quit his smoke and mirrors performance and clearly explain his plan to repair Queensland’s decaying business confidence.

The National Australia Bank’s (NAB) Monthly Business Survey for November has exposed the reality of the State Government’s COVID Economic Recovery plan.

Business confidence in Queensland is languishing a long way behind Victoria, NSW and the national average.

Net business confidence in Queensland is now half the national average and less than a third of NSW.

Shadow Treasurer David Janetzki says it is imperative the State Government immediately starts listening and restores trust with the small business sector.

“Business confidence is a key indicator for how our economy is shaping for the future and when business confidence tanks so too does investment in Queensland’s small and family businesses,” Mr Janetzki said.

“Small and family businesses simply do not trust this State Government.

“Small business operators want a bright 2022 but are concerned the Treasurer’s COVID Economic Recovery Plan is all smoke and mirrors with no genuine plan to address business confidence or growing uncertainty.

“The reality is this government has no economic plan to support your local corner store and no plan to improve the regulatory and investment environment.

“What is Cameron Dick’s plan to regain trust with Queensland’s small business owners and their staff?

“Businesses confidence is falling through the floor and now languishes behind our Southern counterparts who had significantly longer lockdowns than we did. Why?

“With the Budget update due at the end of this week, it’s beyond time that the Treasurer stepped up and showed some economic leadership instead of riding the coat tails of the federal government and the resources sector which props up his flashy brochures.

“Queenslanders deserve a genuine economic plan, not Cameron Dick’s smoke and mirrors media conferences.” 

Link to NAB Business Survey: Monthly Business Survey: November 2021 | Business Research and Insights (

State News

Free health checks for kindy kids

Every child attending an approved kindergarten program will have access to a free health and developmental check under a new Healthy Kindy Kids program, if the LNP is elected on October 26.

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