It’s time to start lifting Townsville’s locdown

Friday 24 April, 2020

The LNP is calling for the staged easing of Townsville’s lockdown following the region’s success in halting the spread of coronavirus.

LNP Shadow Minister for North Queensland Dale Last said it was time to start reopening the economy and key public services after no new coronavirus cases were detected in Townsville for more than a week.

“Now is the right time to begin a careful and staged lifting of restrictions in Townsville,” Mr Last said.

“Our beaches and parks should be fully re-opened to the public. Townsville’s schools should be open for students too, just as the Prime Minister has advised.

“It’s time to start looking at how small businesses like cafes, restaurants and shops can re-open, providing their staff and customers can observe social distancing.

“We can’t suddenly go back to pre-coronavirus ways of working, but we need to get small businesses up and running again if they are to make it through this crisis.”

Mr Last said the Palaszczuk Labor Government could not impose a one-size-fits-all strategy on the whole state and needed to let regions like Townsville begin their recovery now.

“We need local decision-making, local solutions and local leadership,” Mr Last said.

LNP candidate for Mundingburra Glenn Doyle applauded Townsville’s fight against covid-19.

“Townsville should be proud of how we’ve handled this, but we need to start thinking about the future and those businesses that are in deep trouble right now,” Mr Doyle said.

“Unemployment was bad enough in Townsville before coronavirus. We have to start easing restrictions to save businesses and jobs.”

LNP candidate for Townsville John Hathaway said the Palaszczuk Labor Government should also give Townsville parents the green-light to send their kids back to school.

“It is safe for Townsville kids to go to school and they should go,” Mr Hathaway said.

“Allowing more kids to go back to school would also help mums and dads get back to their regular jobs and help our economy recover.”

State News

Free health checks for kindy kids

Every child attending an approved kindergarten program will have access to a free health and developmental check under a new Healthy Kindy Kids program, if the LNP is elected on October 26.

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