Labor distracted by integrity crisis as unemployment surges

Thursday 14 May, 2020

New ABS figures revealing that Queensland has the second-worst unemployment rate in Australia are damning proof of the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s economic failure.

Unemployment in Queensland jumped from 5.7% to 6.8% last month, with today’s data revealing that 129,600 Queenslanders lost their jobs in April.

LNP Shadow Treasurer and Deputy Leader Tim Mander said the Palaszczuk Labor Government was too distracted by integrity scandals and factional in-fighting to protect Queensland jobs.

“Labor has no Budget and no plan for the Queensland economy,” Mr Mander said.

“Labor cannot protect jobs when it has three Treasurers in two days and sacks the chief Treasury bureaucrat.

“It shows a distinct lack of economic leadership at a time when Labor should be focusing on the jobs and job security of Queenslanders.

“The musical chairs in the Treasury mean Labor is incapable of stopping the coronavirus health crisis from becoming a jobs crisis.

“Queensland went into the coronavirus lockdown with one of the weakest economies in the country and that will be a drag on our recovery.

“Labor was the last state government in the country to introduce an economic stimulus package and they’re the only government not giving direct support to small businesses.

“The new Treasurer is more interested in media grandstanding than tackling Labor’s dire record on unemployment.

“The LNP has already released its Roadmap for Recovery and we have developed a long-term plan to build a stronger economy and create higher-paid jobs.

“The LNP will build the New Bradfield Scheme, invest in new roads and dams, cut electricity bills and give Queenslanders a no-new-tax guarantee.

“While Labor is distracted by integrity scandals, only the LNP has a plan to get Queensland working again.”

Media Contact: Stuart Sherwin 0438 011226

ABS Unemployment Table

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