Labor’s Youth Crime announcement fail six months on from “10-point plan”   

Today marks six months to the day since Premier Palaszczuk made her “ten-point” announcement, following the tragic death of Brisbane mum Emma Lovell on Boxing Day.  

Six months on from the chaos and crisis of Labor’s announcement new official Queensland Police data has revealed crime rates continue to soar.

Six months since the Premier’s announcement: ​

  • Unlawful use of a motor vehicle is up 12%
  • Unlawful entry is up 10% 
  • Other theft is up 12% 
  • Assault is up 4% 

​The figures also revealed a significant increase for these offences compared to the same time a year ago. 

Alarmingly, this week also marked seven years since the Palaszczuk Labor Government made the decision to water down the Youth Justice Act which planted the seeds of the Queensland Youth Crime Crisis.  

Since the Palaszczuk Labor Government took office: ​

  • Crime has increased by 42% 
  • Car theft has surged by 110% 
  • Break-ins are up 48% 
  • 52,000 Queenslanders were victims of crime in just one year (2021/22) 

Today Queenslanders will be finding it tough to understand why crime is worsening under the Palaszczuk Government.   ​

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli said the numbers spoke for themselves, crime is worsening under the Palaszczuk Labor Government.   

“Queenslanders were promised the ‘toughest laws in the nation’ but all they’ve got is more chaos and crisis,” Mr Crisafulli said.  

“The Premier’s ten-point announcement was cobbled together at the last minute, in a desperate bid to ease political pressure so it’s no surprise the Government has failed to keep Queenslanders safe.  

“The Palaszczuk Government has only delivered false hope for Queenslanders whose communities have been torn apart by young criminals.  

“Despite the Premier talking tough, Queenslanders continue to feel unsafe in their own homes, businesses and on their streets.  

“The LNP Opposition will continue to fight for our solutions to be adopted including consequences for actions, unshackling the judiciary by removing detention as a last resort and gold-standard early intervention.  

“There are 72 fewer full-time, frontline police officers in Queensland than there were two years ago, and we have a generation of hardcore repeat young offenders laughing their way around Labor’s weak laws.  

“After three terms in office, the Palaszczuk Labor Government has stopped listening to Queenslanders.”  

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State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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