Lazy Labor doing nothing to cut regional power bills


LNP Shadow Energy Minister Michael Hart today criticised the Palaszczuk Government for taking no action to cut household and business power bills in regional Queensland.

Mr Hart said he backed calls from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) for Labor to urgently act on a May 2016 recommendation to deregulate the Cairns and Townsville energy markets. 

“Almost two years after the Productivity Commission recommended that deregulation would cut power bills in regional Queensland and the Palaszczuk Government has done nothing,” he said.

“Labor established the Queensland Productivity Commission in 2015 and its first inquiry was into Electricity Pricing. *

“The Commission then recommended in May 2016 that retail competition be expanded in regional Queensland (recommendation 30).

“In its response to the Inquiry, the Palaszczuk Government stated recommendation 30 – expanding competition in regional Queensland – be ‘considered further’ but nothing has happened.” **

Mr Hart said in South East Queensland retail electricity can save households up to $500 a year.

“Retail competition would lower electricity prices in regional Queensland but just like so many critical issues this lazy Labor government has done nothing and regional Queenslanders power bills are soaring as a result,” he said.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk’s inaction means people in regional Queensland are getting ripped off for their electricity.”


*Queensland Productivity Commission


**Palaszczuk Government response to Queensland Productivity Commission Inquiry