LNP calls for regional fast-track to recovery

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The LNP has called on the Palaszczuk Labor Government to accelerate the easing of restrictions in regions without any active coronavirus cases to protect local jobs and restart the economy.

LNP Leader Deb Frecklington wrote to the Premier and said there was no reason why businesses in places like Townsville, Mackay, Central Queensland, Wide Bay and the Darling Downs can’t see a lifting of restrictions earlier, while maintaining appropriate social distancing and other mitigation measures.

“These regions are not covered in the Outback concessions and they are crying out for economic leadership,” Ms Frecklington said.

“There must be a common-sense approach to easing restrictions and saving jobs in regional economies.

“Geographically, most of this vast state has no active cases and there is an opportunity for regional economies to be fast-tracked out of lockdown.

“However, it’s up to the Palaszczuk Government to decide where and how quickly restrictions are eased.

“A one-size-fits-all approach to lifting restrictions won’t work in a state as large and diverse as Queensland and it doesn’t make sense either.

“This health crisis must not be allowed to become an economic crisis, with jobs needlessly lost in regional communities.”

State News

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