Tuesday, 19th May 2020
The LNP has moved a motion in Parliament today to disallow Subordinate Legislation 233 and 234 from the Environmental Protection (Great Barrier Reef Protection Measures) and Other Legislation Amendment Regulation 2019.
LNP Shadow Minister for Agriculture Tony Perrett said the disallowance motion shows that the LNP is the only party in Queensland that supports farmers and backs regional jobs.
“Labor’s changes to reef regulations were rammed through by the government and the LNP opposed them then and we still do now,” Mr Perrett said.
“Labor’s reef regulations don’t strike a balance between preserving the environment and protecting local jobs.
“They treat farmers like criminals and tie them up in unworkable red and green tape.
“That is why the LNP has consistently opposed and voted against Labor’s unfair Reef laws and we will do everything in our power to stop their implementation.”
LNP Shadow Minister for Natural Resources Dale Last said only an LNP Government will work alongside farmers and communities for environmental outcomes, instead of forcing unworkable laws on them.
“The LNP will work with farmers and protect local jobs and provide an economic future for our cane and grazing industries,” Mr Last said.
“We will not allow our hard-working farmers to be tied up in unnecessary regulation that will cost jobs in rural and regional Queensland.
“The Palaszczuk Labor Government doesn’t care about regional jobs, but I won’t
stop fighting for each and every Queensland farmer.
“Deb Frecklington and
the LNP have shown strong leadership by standing up for farmers in North Queensland
in the fight to restore sensible and workable reef laws in Queensland.”