LNP to renew category H licences for Darling Downs farmers

  • A future LNP government will renew all existing category H gun licences
  • The LNP will also ensure new applicants for category H licences are fairly assessed, in a timely manner
  • Annastacia Palaszczuk has treated farmers worse than criminal gang members

A Tim Nicholls-led LNP government has committed to renew all existing category H gun licences for Darling Downs farmers and graziers.

Liberal National Party Member for Toowoomba North, Trevor Watts, said the LNP would also ensure that all new applicants for category H licences were assessed fairly and in a timely manner.

“The LNP will give farmers a fair go and not treat them like criminals.

“Annastacia Palaszczuk and Labor have treated law-abiding farmers worse than criminal gang members.

“This is part of our New Deal to build a better future for regional Queensland, because we understand the challenges in our local community.

“Unlike Labor, we have listened to the concerns of our farmers who need hand guns for the safe management of their farms and properties.”

Mr Watts said under the LNP’s Fairer Gun Laws policy, primary producers who currently hold a Category H licence (hand gun) would have their licence renewed while ever they met the “fit and proper person test” – as per the current law.

“All new applicants will be treated fairly and have their applications assessed in a timely fashion – ending the lengthy delays and uncertainty for farmers under Annastacia Palaszczuk,” Mr Watts said.

“Labor has been caught out running a deliberate policy of restricting licence renewals which has taken away a vital tool of trade.

“While Labor delights in painting these people as lone cowboys, the LNP understands the safety issues of not having to carry a rifle on a motorbike or quad bike.

“We will also restore proper consultation, ensure government policy is based on evidence and expert advice, increase penalties for gun crime and implement real-time background checks.

“These are common sense reforms that put community safety first.”

To learn more about Our Plan visit betterqueensland.org.au

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