LNP wants Queensland subbies paid on time every time

Wednesday, 15th July 2020

The LNP will continue to highlight concerns about the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) and other Legislation Amendment Bill 2020, which passed Parliament today.

LNP Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works Michael Hart said the party did not oppose the Bill because the LNP strongly believes Queensland builders and sub-contractors deserved to be paid on time, every time.

“The Palaszczuk Labor Government hasn’t taken this issue seriously and have been dragging their feet since 2015,” Mr Hart said. “Labor has only rolled out a fraction of what they said they would.

“It will be 8 years from what was a Labor election promise to overcome non-payments of subbies until the full implementation of the Project Bank Accounts are completed.

“Late payments and non-payments of Queensland tradies remains an on-going concern in the building and construction industry, under Labor.

“Only the LNP will support our hard-working sub-contractors.

“We have already committed to a Royal Commission into the industry, if the LNP wins government on October 31.

“It will investigate non-payment issues, fraudulent practices, false statutory declarations, illegal phoenixing activity, and company collapses.

“More than 245,000 Queenslanders are employed in this multi-billion dollar industry.

“It is crucial subbies are paid on time, every time because local economies and communities depend on it.”

State News

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At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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