LNP welcomes CCIQ plan, but where is Labor’s?

Wednesday 29 April, 2020

LNP Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander has welcomed the release of a coronavirus economic recovery plan by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ).

Mr Mander said both business leaders and the LNP had now laid out plans to get Queensland working again – but the Palaszczuk Labor Government had failed to do the same.

“The Queensland economy was struggling long before coronavirus,” Mr Mander said.

“Thanks to Labor, Queensland is already on the backfoot as we try to stop a health crisis becoming a jobs crisis.

“It is going to take a far-sighted and detailed economic plan to get our state working again, but Jackie Trad has got no idea how to revive our economy.

“Jackie Trad is the only Treasurer in Australia to cancel their budget this year.

“It’s incredible and concerning Labor has no plan and no budget for our economy.”

Mr Mander said the LNP had led the way in calling for payroll tax relief, relief loans for business and the fast-tracking of infrastructure spending to create jobs.

The LNP is also calling for the Palaszczuk Labor Government to follow the lead of other states and introduce assistance grants for small businesses.

“The CCIQ and the LNP want the same thing – to get Queensland working again,” Mr Mander said.

“There’s much to welcome in their plan and I will continue to work closely with CCIQ on how best to get the recovery started.

“The LNP believes that the first step to re-starting the economy and protecting jobs is to re-open our schools. It is safe to do so and businesses need their staff back at work.”

The LNP’s economic plan for Queensland will create jobs and build a stronger economy by investing in new roads and dams, cutting electricity bills and guaranteeing no new taxes.

The LNP’s plan will also deliver the New Bradfield Scheme, a bold and ambitious project which will help Queensland get its economic X-factor back.

The New Bradfield Scheme will deliver more water for farmers, a new food-bowl in the outback bigger than Tasmania, enough hydro-electric power for 800,000 homes and tens of thousands of new jobs.

“Only the LNP has a plan to get Queensland working again,” Mr Mander said.

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