LNP will guarantee regional roads and transport infrastructure

  • A Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government will guarantee no change to the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS)
  • Annastacia Palaszczuk has slashed more than $3 billion from the state’s infrastructure budget since being elected
  • Only the LNP understands infrastructure investment creates jobs and boosts morale, with a flow-on effect throughout regional economies 

A Tim Nicholls-led LNP Government would guarantee no change to the Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme (TIDS), LNP Leader Tim Nicholls announced in Barcaldine today.

Member for Toowoomba North, Trevor Watts said the LNP was committed to building the roads, bridges and dams regional Queensland needs.

“Our record on roads is clear: we started the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing, funded an $8.5 billion action plan for the Bruce Highway and put $600 million into an upgrade program for the Warrego Highway,” Mr Watts said.

“Labor has savagely cut infrastructure spending in Queensland, sapping confidence and costing jobs.

“Our guarantee provides certainty for local councils and will ensure we can partner together to build roads, bridges and transport infrastructure.

“Our TIDS guarantee, along with our Royalties for Regions program and New Deal for Regional Queensland, will see more infrastructure built in regional Queensland.”

The Liberal National Party will expand its Royalties for the Region program to ensure regional Queensland get their fair share of much-needed infrastructure after more than two years of neglect under Annastacia Palaszczuk.

Mr Watts said the LNP would invest $500 million to ensure regional towns and cities starved of infrastructure under Annastacia Palaszczuk got their fair share.

“Only the LNP truly understands the needs of regional and rural communities and their years of neglect under Labor,” Mr Watts said.

“Whether it’s a road upgrade, new bridge, levee bank or upgrades to essential services such as water, waste and aviation infrastructure, we understand investment in Southern Queensland creates jobs, boosts morale and creates a flow-on effect throughout regional economies – something Annastacia Palaszczuk hasn’t got her head around.

“Labor’s softy, softly approach is failing Queenslanders, doing nothing is not working and the economy is hurting.

“Only by then building a better Queensland will we deliver the jobs needed to restart our economy.”

The LNP’s New Deal for Regional Queensland will lock in a 10-year action plan for the Bruce Highway and build new infrastructure including dams and job-creating agricultural projects.

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

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