Loud mouth Bailey goes quiet on LNP’s electricity savings

Queensland the only mainland state to see electricity prices decrease because of the LNP
• LNP’s fair changes to the Solar Bonus Scheme will save all Queenslanders nearly $800 million
• Prices to decrease by 1.5% due to chances the LNP made when in government – an initiative Labor opposed

Shadow Energy Minister Michael Hart says the LNP’s fair changes to solar bonus scheme when in government will save Queensland families nearly $800 million over the next two years.
Mr Hart said south-east Queensland households would see electricity prices drop by 1.5% because of changes the LNP made when in government.
“The independent report from the Australian Energy Market Commission* clearly shows the LNP’s changes in 2012 will result in electricity prices dropping,” Mr Hart said.
“Under the LNP’s fair changes, participants in the Solar Bonus Scheme are no longer eligible for the 44 cent per kWh payment if they sell or lease their house, or if they upgrade their solar inverter to a larger capacity.
“Labor opposed these changes at the time and wanted to slug Queensland families more for its extreme green dream.”
“Labor’s Solar Bonus Scheme will still cost Queenslanders more than $4 billion and will add hundreds of dollars to the electricity bills of Queensland families.”
Mr Hart said the LNP got the balance right and is responsible for the price reductions forecast by the Independent Australian Energy Market Commission.
“Minister Bailey and Labor continue to mislead Queenslanders about the costs of their extreme renewable energy polices,” he said.
“Labor has learnt nothing from its costly Solar Bonus Scheme and continues to treat Queenslanders like cash cows.”

*The Independent Australian Energy Market Commission Electricity Price Trend Report released today says:
“Solar Bonus Scheme costs are expected to decrease by 13 per cent in 2016/17. They are expected to decrease by 57 per cent in 2017/18, and 4.0 per cent in 2018/19, which is equivalent to an average annual decrease of 35 per cent over the two years”

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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