Major police boost for Cairns under the LNP

Monday, 3rd August 2020

The LNP has unveiled another significant part of its plan to fix Labor’s crime crisis in Cairns, with a commitment to boost the number of police officers patrolling the city.

LNP Deputy Leader Tim Mander joined LNP Candidate for Cairns Sam Marino and LNP Candidate for Barron River Linda Cooper to announce the party’s plan to combat growing crime rates.

“60 extra police officers will be stationed in Cairns over the next four years under a future LNP Government,” Mr Mander said.

“Cairns is in the midst of an unprecedented crimewave and the Palaszczuk Labor Government has no plan to fix it.

“Residents and business owners are angry and frustrated with the inaction and lame excuses from the Far North Labor MP’s.

“Labor’s soft on crime approach clearly isn’t working.

“Crime has spiralled out of control since Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier.

“The only way to fix the crime crisis is to change the government on October 31.

“An LNP Government will implement tougher laws, monitor youth offenders on bail 24/7, introduce mandatory detention for third convictions, establish a Community Payback Farm program with increased rehabilitation for repeat offenders, scrap youth bail houses, bring back breach of bail, crackdown on hooning with new cameras and new technology and have increased early intervention through a justice reinvestment trial.
“Labor’s ‘catch and release’ laws that let juvenile offenders get away with crime will be scrapped once and for all.”

Data from the Queensland Police Service shows robbery has increased 103 per cent, armed robbery is up 82 per cent, unlawful use of a motor vehicle has risen 77 per cent and shop stealing is up by 62 per cent since Annastacia Palaszczuk became Premier.

Mr Marino said Cairns is a world-class tourism destination but it’s also home to thousands of Queenslanders who deserve to feel safe in their own neighbourhood.

“Today’s announcement shows how serious the LNP is to cut crime in Cairns,” he said.

“An LNP Government will ensure there are consequences and no more slaps on the wrist.

“Everyone has a right to feel safe and I won’t stop fighting for the safety of local residents and business owners.

“Our community expects strong, decisive action and the LNP will deliver that.”

Ms Cooper said our police men and women do a fantastic job but they’re stretched to the absolute limit.

“60 more police officers over four years will send a strong message to would-be-criminals that you will get caught and held accountable,” Ms Cooper said.

“I love this community but it’s being hijacked by these thugs who are given far too many chances under the Palaszczuk Labor Government’s soft on crime agenda.

“A vote for the LNP on October 31 is a vote for more police and safer communities across the Far North.”

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