News Articles

Detention reform program to rehabilitate youth crims announced
The LNP has today outlined a path to reform Queensland’s youth detention program, stopping the youth detention system becoming a merry-go-round for the growing cohort of serious repeat youth offenders.

Labor’s soft laws spark stolen cars surge – 152% rise in a decade across Toowoomba
Explosive new crime data has revealed a mammoth rise in stolen cars across Toowoomba since Labor came to power in 2015, in another sign Labor’s soft laws are responsible for the Youth Crime Crisis.

A court sentenced intensive youth rehabilitation announced
The LNP has today released another major pillar of its Making our Community Safer plan, announcing a court sentenced intensive

A boost for small business support
The LNP will support Queensland small and family businesses to improve their operations and processes, with dedicated courses to help them improve their practices and grow their productivity, if elected this month.

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A $10.45 million boost for neurological health
The LNP has today announced a $10.45 million boost to neurological health services, as part of its Easier Access to Health Services Plan.

LNP announces funding support for DV Safe phones across Queensland
The LNP has committed to a boost in funding for DV Safe Phones, a group that provides individuals fleeing domestic and family violence with safe mobile phones.

100 Day Plan for Queensland’s Fresh Start
The LNP has today outlined a 100 Day Plan to deliver Queensland a Fresh Start, if Queensland elects an LNP government on October 26.

LNP announces new manufacturing hub for Darling Downs
The LNP has committed to boost Queensland’s manufacturing capability with a new Manufacturing Hub in Toowoomba, as part of the Right Plan for Manufacturing.