No state budget means no new dams

Thursday, 4th June 2020

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s decision to axe the 2020 Budget is a kick in the guts to farmers and regional Queenslanders who want a clear plan on dams and water security.

LNP Shadow Minister for Natural Resources Dale Last said the Palaszczuk Labor Government has no budget and no plan for water security, when most of Queensland is still suffering from severe drought.

“Queensland will be the only state or territory in the country that won’t deliver a budget this year and Labor is using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to hide the dreadful condition of the state’s finances,” Mr Last said.

“If Labor was serious about water infrastructure and building dams in rural and regional Queensland then it would release a budget.

“Queenslanders deserve to know how their taxes are spent and why Labor doesn’t have a plan to deliver water security and create more regional jobs.

“Queensland was in the middle of a jobs crisis before coronavirus hit, with the highest unemployment rate in the nation since the last state election.

“Only the LNP understands that water means opportunities and I won’t stop fighting for every single job in rural and regional Queensland.

“The LNP will help drought proof Queensland and deliver tens of thousands of new jobs by building the Nullinga Dam, raising the Burdekin Falls Dam wall, building The New Bradfield Scheme, building the Urannah Dam, building Rookwood Weir and building the Emu Swamp Dam.”

“With two thirds of our state in drought*, these water projects from Cairns to Stanthorpe will create jobs and reignite our state’s economy.

“Only the LNP has a strong economic plan to deliver water security and get Queensland working again.”

Drought declarations:

State News

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