Thursday, 2nd April 2020
Hundreds of Queensland commercial fishing families are still having to pay Labor’s taxes and charges despite demand and revenue within the industry collapsing, as a result of Coronavirus.
LNP Shadow Minister for Fisheries Tony Perrett said that the Palaszczuk Labor Government was missing-in-action when it came to supporting our beleaguered commercial fishing industry.
“In New South Wales the State Government has rolled out a total fee waiver for all commercial fishers and for those who have already paid their management charges in the form of a credit on their accounts,” Mr Perrett said.
“The NSW State Government is also establishing a liaison officer for primary production to develop a better understanding of what is happening on the ground.
“The peak body for the state’s commercial fishers, the Queensland Seafood Industry Association has also been calling on Annastacia Palaszczuk and Minister Mark Furner to match the assistance being offered across the border, at the very least.
“The LNP have repeatedly called for tax relief and waivers to help supports Queensland commercial fishers, but Annastacia Palaszczuk isn’t listening.
“We know how important the Queensland seafood industry is, as it provides more than 3,000 people a livelihood, predominantly in the regions.
“The LNP have also been calling on Labor to adopt it’s Queensland seafood labelling policy as part of a promotional campaign to support the coronavirus-affected industry.
“The LNP’s seafood labelling policy will encourage more Queenslanders to buy seafood caught by Queensland’s fishing fleet.
“In March, the LNP also joined with the Queensland Seafood Industry Association, the Moreton Bay Seafood Industry Association, Gulf of Carpentaria Commercial Fisherman’s Association, Hervey Bay Seafood Inc and the Fisherman’s Portal in calling for the reforms to be taken off the table.
“It’s time for Labor to abandon its unfair and flawed fisheries reform and do more to support jobs and our seafood industry during these trying times”.