Passenger-first approach to track maintenance

Minister for Transport and Main Roads
The Honourable Scott Emerson

Passenger-first approach to track maintenance

A list of maintenance track closures of up to 18 months will end the public transport uncertainty for major event organisers.

Minister for Transport and Main Roads Scott Emerson said within the month of June Queensland Rail will publish a long-term forward plan of maintenance track closures for football fans, music lovers or show goers.

“Queensland Rail will consult with event organisers to ensure they can plan their events around track closures well in advance,” Mr Emerson said.

“If changes to scheduling of closures are necessary, this can be done well before there is any cost to taxpayers.

“I want a passenger-friendly and community-focused approach that was sadly lacking under former Transport Minister and current Leader of the Opposition Annastacia Palaszczuk.”

Mr Emerson said the long-term list of maintenance closures was the result of a string of track closures scheduled under Labor that clashed with important events, including this month’s Ipswich Show.

“Under Labor, work was scheduled on the Ipswich line between Corinda to Rosewood from August 4 to 5, clashing yet again with the V8 Supercars at Willowbank,” Mr Emerson said

“Despite the public outrage we saw two years ago when the Labor Government did exactly the same thing, you would think that they would have learnt their lesson.

“I have asked Queensland Rail for the closure on the Ipswich line to be rescheduled to a more appropriate time.

“Contrast this with the Leader of the Opposition who was happy to leave race fans stuck in pit lane.

“Other scheduled closures between Toombul and Gympie North, and Toombul and Shorncliffe are the same weekend as the Caboolture Show this year, June 9 to 11.

“The cost of cancelling the closures on the Caboolture and Shorncliffe lines at this late stage would be in excess of $3 million.

“When we’re heading towards $85 billion in debt and having to pay $100 million in interest each week that is a cost we can’t afford.

“Queensland Rail has met with the Caboolture Show Society Chairman Max Herschell, and is working with the Society and TransLink to ensure there are adequate bus services to the showground.”

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