I am thrilled the Toowoomba Regional Council has decided to scrap the draft Highfields Cultural Precinct Master Plan initially released in April 2017.
When the Council’s initial Master Plan was released there was a huge outcry from local residents of the Highfields community.
Many people were concerned about forced resumptions of their homes. These, and other concerns resulted in over 2,200 local residents petitioning Council to have the Plan changed.
I welcome the fact people power has forced the Council to now change the proposed Master Plan and take a fresh look at the future of this project.
I presented a petition on behalf of the Highfields community to Council in July this year.
While I may be a Member of State Parliament, I’m always ready to step up and take the fight to any level of Government in order to ensure our local community has a strong voice.
I commend the Toowoomba Regional Council for taking heed of residents’ concerns and for taking an innovative approach in the planning, community engagement and consultation processes.
I wish to advise that consultation with Highfields residents over the revised Plan would commence on October 16.
The first stage of the feedback period will take approximately six weeks allowing residents to comment through mail, in-person, online and on social media through a new Facebook page.
I am looking forward to continuing his work alongside the people of Highfields to ensure this vibrant community continues to get the infrastructure needed both now and into the future.