Premier commends QLD Reconciliation Awards Winners

The Honourable Campbell Newman

Premier commends QLD Reconciliation Awards Winners

Premier Campbell Newman tonight announced the winners of the 2012 Queensland Reconciliation Awards at a ceremony held in Brisbane during National Reconciliation Week.

Mr Newman said National Reconciliation Week was a time to generate awareness and acknowledge those committed to taking action towards reconciliation.

“The breadth of projects nominated in this year’s awards was remarkable, ranging from small grass roots community organisations and businesses through to complex multinational partnerships, large banking institutions and educational bodies,” Mr Newman said.

“The 2012 winners showcase reconciliation projects across a diverse range of industries, and highlight unwavering commitment and enthusiasm towards turning reconciliation into real action.

“I congratulate each of the winners and commend their achievements.

“Reconciliation is everyone’s business and by working together we can create more opportunities and a better future for all Queenslanders.”

The 2012 winners are:

Business Award – Proudly supported by Indigenous Business Australia

For businesses that have programs and/or initiatives in place that actively promote reconciliation.

Islanders Board of Industry and Service for Social Responsibility

Education Award -Proudly supported by Leighton Contractors

For government and non-government schools, universities or TAFEs that have programs and/or initiatives in place that actively promote reconciliation.

Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE for Reconciliation Action Plan

Community Organisation Award

For community organisations or groups that operate on a not-for-profit basis and have programs and/or initiatives in place that actively promote reconciliation.

Mungalla Aboriginal Business Corporation

Partnerships Award

For businesses, community organisations, government departments/agencies or local councils working on a project or initiative in partnership to promote reconciliation.

The Centre for Appropriate Technology, Engineers without Borders Australia, Bana Yarralji Bubu Inc and Aurecon for Shipton’s Flat Partnership Project – Bana Yarralji Ranger Base

The overall Premier’s Reconciliation Award was awarded to the Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts and Link-Up (Qld) Aboriginal Corporation for Stolen.

The 2012 winners will be awarded a share of $25,000 in prize money.

For more information and full biographies on all award finalists please visit:

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