Queensland needs a Budget to tackle jobs crisis

Friday 14 August, 2020

Yesterday’s horrendous unemployment figures, which showed Queensland had the worst unemployment rate in the nation, can’t be ignored.

LNP Leader Deb Frecklington has called on Annastacia Palaszczuk to stop the excuses and release a full State Budget.

“There are now more than 234,000 reasons why Annastacia Palaszczuk needs to deliver a full State Budget next month,” Ms Frecklington said.

“Yesterday’s jobs numbers are symptomatic of the weak economic leadership we’ve seen from the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

“These aren’t just numbers in a spreadsheet, they are real Queenslanders who are looking for a job and are scared about their future.

“Queenslanders want a plan to stimulate the economy and provide a decade of secure jobs, but the Palaszczuk Labor Government is the only state in the nation to scrap this year’s budget.

“The LNP has an ambitious plan to build a stronger economy, drag Queensland out of recession and get Queensland working again.

“My vision is to make Queensland the economic powerhouse of Australia again, the best place to get a job, get ahead and raise a family.

“The LNP will start work on the drought-busting New Bradfield Scheme, invest in dams, roads and rail infrastructure to create jobs and we will guarantee no new taxes.”

LNP Deputy Leader and Shadow Treasurer Tim Mander said Labor had no budget and no economic plan for Queensland.

“Queensland had the worst unemployment rate in the nation, highest number of bankruptcies and lowest business confidence under Labor ­- and that was before COVID,” Mr Mander said.

“Failing to release a State Budget is yet another Labor cover-up when Queenslanders are desperate for an economic plan.

“Yesterday’s dire unemployment numbers were the result of Annastacia Palaszczuk’s weak economic leadership.

“For Labor to cancel a State Budget in an election year and in the middle of a recession is economically reckless.

“No budget means Labor is flying blind through the biggest economic crisis in almost a century.

“The only way to get Queensland working again is to change the government in October and vote for the LNP.”

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