Release the Report Before it’s Too Late

The LNP is demanding the Griffin Report be released before the Premier’s estimates hearing on Friday 16th of July.

The millions of Queenslanders plunged into lockdown almost two weeks ago are still waiting for a reason why an unvaccinated COVID ward receptionist was able to work and travel the state while infectious.

“The issue of COVID safety cannot be put on the backburner,” Opposition Leader David Crisafulli says.

“Queenslanders need answers now.

“They need assurances that another hospital or hotel quarantine breach will not occur while the Premier is in Tokyo.

“There are serious questions that will need to be asked when the Griffin Report is released and we believe they should be asked at estimates.”                  

The Prince Charles Hospital COVID ward breach is the third costly mistake this year that has caused a lockdown in Queensland, devastating families and small businesses.

The three-state system failures just this year occurred at:

  1. Grand Chancellor Hotel – January 2021
  2. Princess Alexandra ward 5D – March 2021
  3. Prince Charles Hospital unvaccinated receptionist – June 2021

“The state government’s COVID safety protocols must be put under a microscope,” Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates says.

“How can we trust them to manage and enforce COVID protocols when they are already losing control of Queensland Health.

“It is vital the State Government is transparent about this and releases the Griffin Report before the Premier heads overseas.

“If the State Government still hasn’t interviewed the 19-year-old receptionist then at the very least an interim findings report should be released.”

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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