Report reveals regional Queensland’s ICE crisis

Thursday 2 July, 2020

The LNP is demanding more action to combat ICE after an Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission report found that addiction to the deadly drug is continuing to increase across Queensland.

Testing conducted by the University of Queensland on wastewater at 53 sites across the nation found that ICE is the most-consumed illicit drug in the nation.

The results also revealed that consumption in regional Queensland is higher than Brisbane.

LNP Leader Deb Frecklington her party would open four new regional drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in Townsville, Wide Bay, Toowoomba and the Sunshine Coast if it wins the October 31 state election.

“This report shows that regional Queensland is the epicentre of the ICE crisis,” Ms Frecklington said.

“ICE has infiltrated our small towns and cities, destroying families and attacking the fabric of our communities,” Ms Frecklington said.

“This drug doesn’t discriminate, it decimates. Cars get stolen, houses are robbed and businesses are broken into just so people can feed their habit.

“There is nothing more heartbreaking than when someone from my community reaches out to tell me how ICE has devastated their family.

“The LNP has a comprehensive ICE plan that provides more treatment, more education and awareness and four additional rehabilitation and detox centres across regional Queensland.

“Tackling the scourge of ICE has been a personal priority for me since I became Leader of the Opposition.

“Only an LNP Government will get to grips with ICE and protect regional communities.”

Link to report: