Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future central to new-look Shadow Ministry

·         Youth Justice and Victim Support elevated to Shadow Cabinet
·         Laura Gerber and Dan Purdie to join Shadow Cabinet
·         Bryson Head appointed new Shadow Assistant Minister

Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli has today unveiled changes to the LNP Shadow Ministry, with a focus on youth justice and community safety.

Tackling the four major crises affecting Queenslanders every day will be front and centre for the LNP team, with an emphasis on youth crime, housing, health and cost of living across Shadow Cabinet portfolios.

As part of the changes, Laura Gerber will join Shadow Cabinet as Shadow Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support, while Dan Purdie will take on the shadow portfolio of Police and Community Safety.

Deb Frecklington will add the role of Shadow Minister for Energy and Cost of Living to her responsibilities and Dale Last will assume the role of Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines. 

Jim McDonald, one of the LNP’s representatives on the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee, has been named Shadow Assistant Minister for Community Safety. 

Bryson Head, the youngest member of the Queensland Parliament, will become Shadow Assistant Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Shadow Assistant Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals. 

Mr Crisafulli said the LNP was charting a course with the right priorities for Queensland’s future, supported by a strong, united and disciplined Shadow Cabinet.

“The LNP is committed to putting the focus on the issues affecting Queenslanders, including making our community safer, which is why Youth Justice and Victim Support will be elevated to Shadow Cabinet,” Mr Crisafulli said.

“Similarly, we are focused on easing the Queensland Housing and Cost of Living crises, which is why we have Shadow Ministers for Home Ownership and Cost of Living in Shadow Cabinet.

“We retain Integrity in Government, Customer Service and Open Data portfolios despite this tired, third-term Labor Government not prioritising these.

“The LNP will continue to have a laser-like focus on stopping you paying for Labor’s failures, which is why Olympic and Paralympic Infrastructure as well as Regional Engagement will be retained as key portfolios within the LNP Shadow Cabinet. 

“Having senior Shadow Ministers with responsibility for the Games will ensure we continue to shine a light on blowouts. 

“I thank Pat Weir for his important contribution to Shadow Cabinet including shining a light on Labor’s abject failure to manage our energy assets, resulting in the steepest energy cost-increases in the nation.

“As someone renowned for his discipline and knowledge of the Parliament, Pat will take on the role of Deputy Opposition Whip. 

“Our team has the right priorities for Queensland’s future, including making our community safer, delivering easier access to health services, saving you paying for Labor’s failures, securing our housing foundations and working harder for Queenslanders.

“The LNP is a strong, united and disciplined team with the right priorities.”


Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister for Tourism ​
David Crisafulli
Deputy Leader of the Opposition Shadow Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Shadow Minister for Olympic and Paralympic Infrastructure and Jobs Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations  Jarrod Bleijie
Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Shadow Minister for Medical Research Shadow Minister for Women  Ros Bates
Shadow Treasurer Shadow Minister for Investment and Trade Shadow Minister for Home Ownership  David Janetzki
Shadow Minister for Finance and Better Regulation Shadow Minister for Integrity in Government  Fiona Simpson
Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services Shadow Minister for Corrective Services Shadow Minister for Rural and Regional Affairs  Dale Last
Shadow Minister for Energy and Cost of Living Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing  Deb Frecklington  
Shadow Minister for Customer Service Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads  Steven Minnikin
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Justice Shadow Minister for CBD Activation  
Tim Nicholls
Shadow Minister for Education
Shadow Minister for the Arts  
Christian Rowan
Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety  Dan Purdie
Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works Shadow Minister for Sport and Racing Shadow Minister for Olympic and Paralympic Sport and Regional Engagement ​Tim Mander
Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry  Tony Perrett
Shadow Minister for Local Government Shadow Minister for Disaster Recovery Shadow Minister for Volunteers  Ann Leahy
Shadow Minister for Seniors, Communities and Disability Services Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships  John-Paul Langbroek
Shadow Minister for Youth Justice and Victim Support  Laura Gerber  
Shadow Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef Shadow Minister for Science and Innovation Shadow Minister for YouthSam O’Connor      
Shadow Minister for Employment and Training Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business Shadow Minister for Open Data  Brent Mickelberg
Shadow Minister for Child Protection Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Shadow Minister for Women’s Economic Security  Amanda Camm
Assistant to the Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Assistant Minister for Western Queensland
Shadow Assistant Minister for Trade  
Lachlan Millar
Shadow Assistant Minister for Higher Education
Shadow Assistant Minister for Research
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Industry
Shadow Assistant Minister for Veterans  ​
James Lister
Shadow Assistant Minister for State Development Shadow Assistant Minister for Community Safety ​Jim McDonald
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health Shadow Assistant Minister for Drug and Alcohol Treatment  Shadow Assistant Minister for Families
Shadow Assistant Minister for Seniors ​
Rob Molhoek
Shadow Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development   Stephen Bennett
Shadow Assistant Minister for Finance Shadow Assistant Minister for Energy  Michael Crandon
Shadow Assistant Minister for Multicultural Communities and International Student Attraction  Mark Robinson
Shadow Assistant Minister for Agricultural Industry Development Shadow Assistant Minister for Resources and Critical Minerals  Bryson Head


Andrew Powell – Manager of Opposition Business

Mark Boothman – Whip

Pat Weir Deputy – Whip

Trevor Watts – Shadow Cabinet Secretary

To stay up to date click here to follow Trevor’s social media.

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