Damning new figures show thousands of Queenslanders spent more than a day in emergency departments
Shady Shannon Fentiman has been shamed into releasing damning new health data that shows nearly 6,000 Queenslanders spent more than 24 hours in hospital emergency departments
Following sustained pressure from the LNP, the Health Minister finally answered a Parliamentary Question on Notice submitted by the Opposition.
Under the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government, 5,841 Queenslanders spent more than 24 hours in EDs between February and May this year.
This staggering number is an increase of over 1,000 patients from the previous four-month period, where 4,691 waited more than 24 hours in an ED.
Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Ros Bates said the deterioration of the Health System was no reason to keep this information from Queenslanders.
“We have world class doctors, nurses and paramedics and allied health professionals in Queensland who are being let down by the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government,” Ms Bates said.
“These figures are disturbing and there are no signs of it stopping.
“Emergency departments aren’t waiting bays. Hospital corridors aren’t treatment rooms.
“The State Government has failed to properly plan, resource and run our health system since they took power eight years ago.
“In 2015 ambulance ramping was 15%, Anna Bligh called Queensland Health a basket case when ramping was 30% and now ramping is the worst in the nation at 43%.
“Queenslanders deserve to know how their local hospital is performing
“The Health Minister continues to downplay the Queensland Health Crisis, but these figures show how dire the situation in our emergency departments have become.
“As a nurse and former hospital administrator, I know how detrimental it can be for patients to stay in an Emergency Department that long.
“My message to frontline staff is simple.
“We thank you, we respect you and we value the job you do.
“All Queenslanders deserve a world class health system no matter where they live.”
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