Statement from Deputy Opposition Leader Deb Frecklington on the New Acland coal mine expansion

The LNP welcomes Minister Frydenberg’s decision to approve the New Acland coal mine stage 3 project.

Workers, their families and the local community are one step closer to a more certain future.

The Palaszczuk Labor Government now needs to listen to locals and issue the mining lease, the environmental authority and the water licence for this important project.

Labor has been dragging its feet on the New Acland stage 3 project including imposing a new, duplicative approval process.

With hundreds of jobs at stake, the future of many Queensland families is dependent on this project proceeding.

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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