Statement from LNP Shadow Energy Minister, Michael Hart


“Today’s announcement from the Palaszczuk Labor Government that the Swanbank E gas-fired power station will be re-opened is an admission power prices are out of control on their watch.

“Electricity prices are now so high under Labor that gas-fired power – the most expensive way to produce baseload power – is viable again.

“Stanwell made the decision to mothball Swanbank E in 2014 because gas was too expensive and the power station was unviable when the price of wholesale electricity was $61 a megawatt hour.

“Under Annastacia Palaszczuk the price of wholesale electricity has increased by 70 per cent and is now over $100 a megawatt hour, making Swanbank viable again.

“But Queenslanders shouldn’t be conned. This is not good news for electricity customers – they are paying record high prices which means this 30-year old, gas-fired power station is viable again.

“This is a desperate measure from a desperate Labor government that has allowed power prices to sky-rocket and has no plan to provide price relief to families and businesses.

“It’s worth noting that the government-owned generator that will run Swanbank – Stanwell – is the same company being investigated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for price gouging practices that have ripped off Queenslanders.”

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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