Statement from LNP Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates

Friday, 24th April 2020

“Media reports today that the Palaszczuk Labor Government has used the cover of coronavirus to quietly shelve a multimillion dollar IT project is an appalling waste of taxpayers’ money and another Labor IT disaster.”

“I will be writing to the Auditor-General today about this shocking waste and another Labor Health IT debacle.

“Health Minister Steven Miles needs to explain why Queensland Health can afford to waste tens of millions of dollars during a global health pandemic.

“This money could have been spent preventing nurses and hospital staff from being ripped off with excessive car parking costs or purchasing much needed personal protective equipment.

“It’s another example of Labor’s blatant disregard for taxpayers money and the wrong priorities. “Only the LNP will build a stronger economy which will ensure our public health system has the resources it needs to save lives and support frontline staff.”

State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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