Tuesday, 21st April 2020
“Like all Queenslanders, the LNP is disappointed and frustrated at the discovery of White Spot Disease once again in the Logan River and Moreton Bay.
“The LNP warned the Palaszczuk Labor Government in July 2018* that its planned decrease in biosecurity funding to contain and monitor white spot disease was premature and misguided.
“Unfortunately, this cost cutting and lack of foresight when it comes to biosecurity in Queensland has become all too typical from Minister Mark Furner and the Palaszczuk Labor Government.
“Just like the floundering fire ant eradication program and the march south of the fall army worm, Labor’s neglect of Queensland’s biosecurity is having real-life impacts and costing jobs.
“The LNP will continue to work with the prawn farming industry and affected farmers to ensure the disease can once again be managed and removed as quickly as possible.”
* July 2018 media statement: https://www.deb2020.com.au/labor-refuses-to-confirm-drastic-cuts-to-white-spot-funding/
Link to 2018-19 budget paper: https://s3.treasury.qld.gov.au/files/SDS-Agriculture-and-Fisheries-2018-19.pdf