Stranded Queenslanders abandoned by Labor

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Media reports today that 242 Queenslanders are stranded in Perth with no way of getting home and without communication from the Queensland Government are deeply concerning.

Shadow Health Minister Ros Bates said that comments from Queensland Health that it was the WA Government who was responsible for leading repatriation efforts were highly dismissive and insensitive.

“My heart goes out to the hundreds of Queenslanders who are in limbo at the moment,” Ms Bates said.

“These are Queenslanders who have done the right thing and they just want to find out how to get home.

“They have been abandoned by the Queensland State Government.

“These people are effectively locked out of their state and away from families and loved ones.”

Ms Bates said the comments in media reports today from Queensland Health were heartless and called on the Premier to intervene.

“It’s great to see the Federal Government has a plan to organise more flights, but these are Queenslanders and they have been abandoned.”

LNP Member for Pumicestone Simone Wilson, who represents some of the Queenslanders stranded interstate, wrote to the Premier early on Sunday morning, with no reply to date.

“Bringing these Queenslanders home should be a priority for the Premier and we will continue to try and help them get home,” Ms Wilson said.


Queensland Health comments to Courier-Mail:

“A Queensland Health spokeswoman said that the individual states where residents departed from, following their quarantine, were responsible for leading repatriation efforts and negotiating with airlines.”

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