Dodgier Than D’ath – Fentiman stops releasing monthly ambulance ramping figures

Fentiman stops releasing monthly ambulance ramping figures to Queenslanders

The Health Minister has been caught red-handed hiding critical health data from Queenslanders after refusing to release ambulance ramping figures.

​In a new low for transparency in the Health Portfolio, Shannon Fentiman has made the decision to no longer release a monthly breakdown of ambulance ramping across Queensland hospitals.

​​When asked the exact same Parliamentary Question on Notice, the former sacked Health Minister Yvette D’Ath provided the information to Queenslanders on three separate occasions.

​​Minister Fentiman has made the deliberate decision not to release ramping figures to Queenslanders.

She has no excuse, given the questions are worded exactly the same on every occasion.

The only possible reason she would have made this decision is because she has no interest in being upfront with Queenslanders about the true extent of the Queensland Health Crisis.

​This important data is critical in shining a light on the ramping issues hindering Queensland’s hardworking paramedics, including exposing ramping at Redland Hospital reaching a record 73%.

​​Shadow Minister for Open Data Brent Mickelberg said all Queenslanders should be concerned by the Health Minister’s secrecy.

​​“Shannon Fentiman said she’d be different managing the Health Portfolio compared to her predecessor – she’s right, she’s worse,” Mr Mickelberg said.

​​“It’s hard to believe but secretive Shannon is even dodgier than D’Ath.

​​“Even the much-maligned former Minister provided a monthly breakdown of Ambulance Ramping across Queensland.

​“What is she trying to hide?

​​“Why won’t she be upfront?

​​“We know ambulance ramping in Queensland has become the worst in nation under the chaos and crisis of the Palaszczuk Labor Government.

​​“Hiding information from Queenslander’s won’t fix this problem.”​


Question to Fentiman, June 2023

Question to D’Ath, Feb 2023

Question to D’Ath, October 2022

Question to D’Ath August 2022

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