Woeful track record on social housing exposed

The Palaszczuk Government’s woeful track record on affordable and social housing for Queenslanders has been exposed.

Less than a 1% increase in social housing since the end of 2020 with more than 50,000 people on the waitlist is an absolute disgrace.

This government is letting down the most vulnerable Queenslanders who just want a roof over their head.

The facts are the facts.

The Palaszczuk Government spends less than any other state or territory in the country on social housing.

It has also built the least social housing with just 337 additional homes coming online in the past 16 months.

The government’s so-called housing investment fund has been exposed as nothing but a farce.

The Palaszczuk Government sells its headline glossy $1 billion figure, but the reality is there is barely a drop of cash in this fund.

Glossy headlines aren’t building homes for Queenslanders.

Genuine investment and action do.

Queenslanders deserve so much better than this.

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State News

Callide Scandal lays at Labor’s feet

At the end of the day, the Callide scandal lays squarely at Labor’s feet.
CS Energy couldn’t do the maintenance required because Labor’s Ministers blocked the money to do it.

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